In the shadowed alleys of 1866 Paris, Baroness Sylvie Devereux, ensnared in her opulent manor, hesitantly agrees to a house call from her estranged sister, Charlotte Mothe, despite lingering fears of her tainted past as a spirit medium.
With their father ailing and bills looming, the sisters contemplate one last con to secure their future.
Their target: the dysfunctional de Jacquinot family, haunted by the spectre of their murdered great-aunt from the French Revolution. As they delve deeper into the deception, Sylvie and Charlotte confront eerie phenomena firsthand, leading them to question reality and unearth long-buried secrets.
As the line between truth and illusion blurs, the sisters must confront their pasts and decipher who among them speaks truth or deception. With its intoxicating blend of gothic ambience and sapphic intrigue, Spitting Gold offers a compulsively addictive journey into the dark heart of the Parisian mystery.
If you enjoy the following, you will love this book!
⟡ complex family dynamics
⟡ gothic mystery
⟡ 19th century Paris
⟡ sapphic romance
Thank you so much to the author - Carmella Lowkis as well as the team at Double Day Books for posting me a copy of the book!
